Eliciting user requirements is the process of gathering, understanding, and documenting the needs and expectations of users and stakeholders for a project or system. It’s one of the most critical tasks a Business Analyst (BA) performs to ensure that the final product or solution aligns with what users truly need. Here are some common methods and approaches to effectively elicit user requirements:

1. Interviews:

  • One-on-one conversations with users or stakeholders to ask questions about their needs, current processes, pain points, and desired outcomes.
  • These interviews can be structured with a set of predefined questions or unstructured, where the conversation is more free-flowing.
  • Example questions:
    • “What problems are you facing with the current system?”
    • “What features would make your job easier?”

2. Workshops:

  • Group sessions where key stakeholders, users, and the BA come together to discuss requirements in a collaborative setting.
  • These are often used to generate ideas, resolve conflicts, and get a holistic view of requirements from multiple perspectives.
  • Example: A workshop where stakeholders from different departments brainstorm about how a new system could improve their workflows.

3. Surveys and Questionnaires:

  • Written questions distributed to a large group of users to gather a broad set of responses, often used when there are many users or when face-to-face meetings are not feasible.
  • Useful for capturing feedback on current processes or features and understanding common issues.
  • Example: An online survey asking users what features they’d like to see in a new customer relationship management (CRM) tool.

4. Observations:

  • The BA observes users as they perform their tasks to understand the real-world environment, workflows, and issues that users might not explicitly mention.
  • This technique is helpful to see how users actually interact with a system or process, compared to how they describe it.
  • Example: Watching a customer service representative use a ticketing system to identify inefficiencies or bottlenecks.

5. Document Analysis:

  • Reviewing existing documentation, such as business plans, process flows, user manuals, or system logs, to gain insights into the current system and identify potential areas for improvement.
  • This helps understand what’s already in place and what needs to be changed or added.
  • Example: Analyzing reports generated by a legacy system to understand what data users currently rely on.

6. Prototyping:

  • Creating visual models or early versions of a system to gather user feedback.
  • Prototypes can be wireframes, mockups, or simple working models that allow users to see and interact with potential features before full development begins.
  • Example: Presenting a mockup of a mobile app interface to users and gathering feedback on its usability and layout.

7. Focus Groups:

  • A moderated discussion with a group of users who represent different roles within the business to gather insights about their needs and preferences.
  • Focus groups allow stakeholders to discuss their needs openly and often stimulate ideas that may not come up in individual interviews.
  • Example: A focus group of sales team members discussing what features they need in a new CRM system to improve their customer interactions.

8. Brainstorming Sessions:

  • A creative and open-ended method where users and stakeholders generate ideas about potential features, improvements, or solutions.
  • Brainstorming is typically followed by a more structured analysis to prioritize and refine the ideas generated.
  • Example: Asking users to brainstorm how automation can help streamline their daily tasks.

9. Use Cases and Scenarios:

  • Developing detailed use cases or user scenarios that describe how users will interact with the system.
  • This technique helps in identifying specific requirements for different types of users and their interaction paths with the system.
  • Example: Writing a use case for how a customer service agent will log a customer complaint and track its resolution in a new system.

10. Mind Mapping:

  • A visual technique used to capture and organize ideas around a central theme, often used in workshops or brainstorming sessions.
  • This can help clarify and categorize user requirements by visually mapping out relationships between different ideas or features.
  • Example: Using a mind map to break down the different features users want in a new order management system.

Important Tips for Eliciting Requirements:

  • Engage the right stakeholders: Ensure you are talking to a broad group of users who will be directly affected by the new system or process.
  • Ask open-ended questions: Encourage users to think broadly and share their ideas and pain points.
  • Clarify assumptions: Ensure that what users describe as “needs” are clearly understood and documented without assumptions.
  • Validate and prioritize: Once requirements are gathered, it’s important to validate them with stakeholders and prioritize the most critical ones.


  • Hidden Requirements: Users may not always know or articulate their needs clearly, which can lead to incomplete or vague requirements.
  • Conflicting Requirements: Different stakeholders may have conflicting needs or priorities, which the BA must reconcile.
  • Scope Creep: Requirements may evolve over time, so it’s important to manage changes to prevent uncontrolled expansion of the project scope.

In summary, eliciting user requirements is about gathering, documenting, and validating what users need from a solution. By using a variety of techniques, Business Analysts ensure that they capture both the explicit and implicit requirements to deliver a solution that meets user expectations.

By Morgan

CBAP and PMI-ACP with over 20 years of Project management and Business Analysis experience.